Group Coaching

The Pivot Leadership Program

We created The Pivot Leadership Program to train emerging leaders and change agents to pivot into upper leadership roles within your organization.  

The best time to develop your future leaders is the very first second you recognize their leadership potential. Starting early can develop their confidence and expose them to the mindset of a change agent at your organization. 

Who we serve: Organizations committed to developing a robust and diverse leadership pipeline. We see our greatest impact with early and mid-career professionals who are already in (or are slated to transition into) managerial roles.

What do we do:  We work closely with your emerging leaders to train and prepare them for managerial and leadership roles. We aim to empower, support, and equip individuals to successfully drive change.

How do we do this: We help clients unlock their employees’ natural talents, strengths, and zones of genius, by addressing any existing leadership gaps and identifying growth opportunities. 



This package explores your employee’s natural talents, strengths, Zones of Genius, and leadership style to establish realistic immediate goals and objectives for career development.

Mastermind Community

This group coaching experience will guide them through a Mastermind experience along with individual professional development coaching and weekly leadership training to support their growth.

Road Mapping & Planning

Along with fellow change agents from other organizations, program participants will explore best practices and strategies for successful change management.