
Winning The Style Lottery
“Fashion has a philanthropic side that can help you connect with people in your community and do more good.” 

– Timi Komonibo, Winning The Style Lottery

This book was written to share life-giving truths that will change the way you get dressed. I want to turn on the lightbulbs, so you can clearly see who you are when you look in the mirror. Every dimple and wrinkle was placed there intentionally, making you a masterpiece, a work of art. You were designed on purpose, for a purpose. There is not, nor will there ever be another creation like you.

In this style guidebook, I’m going to share some of my tips for getting dressed for the life you were destined to have. Think of this book as your stylist BFF. It’s my gift to you. Enjoy!

The Pivot Journal

The Pivot Journal is meant to help guide you through the transitional periods involved in navigating a life pivot. All of us have gone through different stages and versions of what we thought our lives were going to look like. In these moments of transition, we might have felt like we were scrambling to make sense of it all. While pivots are necessary for growth, transitions do not need to be traumatic or even chaotic. Instead, they can be approached with a measure of grace and intentionality.

If you commit to the process, this journal encourages you to sit down with your hopes and dreams and even your vulnerabilities. As you fill out the pages, you will observe the direction life is leading you and embrace life’s pivots with confidence.

You’ll get instant access to:

  • The Pivot Strategy Workbook [Self Audit, Goal/Vision Setting]
  • Habits Audit, Review, Wins Trackers
  • Notebook + Additional tools to support your successful pivot.

The Pivot Planner

This planner is undated, by design. Some weeks require laser focus and concentration, while others are for rest and leisure. As human beings, we should aim for a balanced life, embracing the natural ebbs and flow as they come.

Inside this planner, you will find:

  • Pivot Strategy Workbook [Self Audit, Goal/Vision Setting, Trackers]
  • Pivot Undated Planners [Monthly, Weekly, and Daily]
  • Notebook

An effective pivot strategy is flexible and tailored to your individual goals. That’s why this planner is digital and highly adaptable. If you commit to the process, this planner encourages you to sit down with your hopes and dreams and even your vulnerabilities. As you fill out the pages, you will observe the direction life is leading you and embrace life’s pivots with confidence.

The bonus Notion template is a digital version of the Weekly Pivot Planner page. It’s specifically designed for the Notion app. It’s our free gift to you! We welcome you to duplicate it and try it out for yourself.